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Category: ColdFusion
i am trying to insert the form fields into the microsoft access database and also to

i got the error below:

Error Executing Database Query.
[Macromedia][SequeLink JDBC Driver][ODBC Socket][Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement.

i am using a coldfusion web page to connect to my data base. i am using microsoft access and i named it feedback. i created a table which i named enquiry. i am trying to insert the form fields into the microsoft access database and also to send a mail from the database to my mail.

please what scripts can i use for this.

i tried used the field shown below but it gave me an error message which says the datasource feedback cannot be foud. why is this so?

Below is the scripts i used.

<CFQUERY DATASOURCE="feedback" NAME="Enquiry">

INSERT INTO feedback(fullname, telephone, email, Enquiry, comments)

VALUES('#form.fullname#', '#form.telephone#', '', '#form.Enquiry#', '#form.comments#')

<CFMAIL TO="[email protected]" FROM="#email#" subject="Enquiry">







1. Is the file added as a System DSN in the ODBC control panel? (Start -> Control -> Admin -> ODBC -> System DSN). If not add it. name it feedback

2. have you added the database into your data sources in the Coldfusion administration? If not you need to log in and add the file the same name as you did in the ODBC. Add it as a Microsoft Access database

Also change your query to:

<CFQUERY DATASOURCE="feedback" NAME="Enquiry">

INSERT INTO enquiry(fullname, telephone, email, Enquiry, comments)

VALUES('#form.fullname#', '#form.telephone#', '', '#form.Enquiry#', '#form.comments#')


The Syntax is
Insert into tablename Values

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