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Category: Website Critiques

Hi all,

I've been wracking my brains out to get these sites to look good while at the same time not use too much heavy graphics.

As a note, I mainly do backend programming, so this was my first real attempt at a graphics interface.
Thus, I've stayed away from flash, used as much text as I can, used a layer scrollbar instead of frames...

Anyway, I'd like it if anyone has time to take a look at them and give me a few tips as to how them can spruce it up. All criticism will be welcomed.

Many Thanks,

Kevin The reloading of the page when the window is resized is rather annoying, also the HTML does not display correctly on Mozilla, the footer appears in middle of text on all pages. The 3 subsections of the useful links section all display the same page with the same links. The 3 subsections of the useful links section all display the same page with the same links. The image of the woman on the FAQ page is 79x150 but has been stretched to 162x243 resulting is a distorted and poor quality image. There is a broken link on the How to book page, it says to login to the site and the link is dead, there is also no login method to be found.

That's the first time I checked it in Mozilla. It looks completely CRAP!

Any idea why my layer scrollbar isn't showing and why the bottom layer is resized to the top?

I'm doing some funky calculations to find the height of the available area so I can resize the layer to the full screen, I know it's annoying, but I don't want to use frames. I used to do a document write to set the height of the scrolling layer onload instead of a resize, but that didn't work on every browser.

I tested the calculation in IE and Netscape and I thought I had it working ok until now. Does Mozilla not support resizing of layers or does it do it it's own way?

Oh wait, just noticed that holidayrental displays the scrollbar correctly... Mistake on my part on homecare so.

Thanks for that, it was an eyeopener.

Well I fixed my page in Mozilla. It was the scrolling layer. I had set it up with a height of 100px. this didn't cause a problem in IE or Netscape, but Mozilla wouldn't have it. I suppose it's not as tolerant of faults as the other two.

Thanks for the feedback again.


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