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Category: Website Critiques

This is a site I did for my church. It is pretty much all database driven, with a backend that I built to allow the church employees to maintain. Let me know what you think.


Looks good, I see you've utilized the Yahoo content boxes.

Actually, I had them before they did :-), but thanks for checking the site out.

Good overall, some comments below.

1. The title image at the top (Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church) bleeds the two lines together and makes it difficult to read.

2. The worship times and monthly newsletters... page looks it has a table cellspacing of 1 which makes it somewhat hard to read.

3. This is probably a personal preference but I like it when all the column boxes line-up on the bottom. Currently the nav, center, and poll boxes do not.

4. It might make it less annoying for someone not expecting acrobat to load is to put the small pdf icon next to links that will open a pdf.

5. It is good practice to put both height and width attributes in img tags. The staff page accordians when first loaded. Although some people like that effect, I'm just not one of them. :)

Good job!

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