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Category: Website Critiques

My website,, went live earlier this year. Shortly thereafter, I became aware of the fact that it was not functioning properly in Mozilla and Safari. When a user selects a State in the first drop-down list, it should be populating the second drop-down list with the names of the Citites available in the selected State. This works just fine in IE and Opera, but not Mozilla and Safari.

I'm kind of in a bind. I recently learned that the site will be mentioned in Travel+Leisure magazine, probably in the issue released in September. I'm afraid that if a lot of visitors are using these "problem" browsers, I'll lose any chance of them returning. Additionally, the fellow who developed this site for me hasn't seemed to be interested in helping to resolve this issue.

I had thought of posting a question in the HTML, Javascript and CSS forum, but not being a developer myself, I wasn't even certain about how to go about asking the question properly. From what I have learned so far, it appears that the issue revolves around this bit of the code in the search subroutine:
<input type="hidden" name="CitySource" value="<%SQL = "SELECT DISTINCT State,City FROM (SELECT State, City FROM Hotels) ORDER BY State, City"
Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
Set rs = session("db_conn").execute(sql)
if (not rs is nothing) then i = 0 do until rs.eof if (i <> 0) then response.write("~")
end if
state = trim(rs("State")) city = trim(rs("city")) response.write(state &">"& city) i = i + 1
end if

set rs = Nothing %>">
I'm guessing that there is something missing in the "input" tag (if that's what it's called) that is preventing the automatic submission of the State, which triggers the display of the appropriate City names in the second drop-down list.

Any thoughts on resolving this issue will be greatly appreciated.
Additionally, any other comments regarding the site as a whole are also welcome.


The code you posted is not what populates the drop-menu; here is the code from your site that tries to do that:


function jsf_FillSearchCity() {
var arrCity;
var strCity;
var strACity;
var sep = "~";
var sep2 = ">";

document.forms[0].SearchCity.length = 1;

strCity = new String(document.forms[0].CitySource.value);

if (document.forms[0].SearchState.options.selectedIndex != 0){
arrCity = new Array();
arrCity = strCity.split(sep);
for (var i = 0; i <= arrCity.length; i++)
var arrACity = new Array();
strACity = new String(arrCity[i]);
arrACity = strACity.split(sep2);
if (arrACity[0] == document.forms[0].SearchState.options.value) {
document.forms[0].SearchCity.options[document.forms[0].SearchCity.options.length] = new Option(arrACity[1]);


Since you're not a developer, your best bet is to post this code, a link to your site, and a description of the problem you're having in the Hire a Programmer ( forum.

The site itself couldn't be thoroughly reviewed, due to this issue with functionality (using Mozilla Firebird).

Alright. I've taken a look at it w/ MSIE.

The content of the site is extremely narrow - essentially, there is a list of hotels (supposedly) with broadband available for each State and City listed on the site.

Having a site with a single purpose is not necessarily a bad thing. However, the disclaimer on the homepage is a bit disconcerting -
"The information in this site has been collected from a variety of resources and has not yet been widely verified."
If your site's only purpose is to provide listings of hotels that have broadband, but you're not actually sure if the hotels on your site have broadband, then as a user, the sole reason that I have to visit your site is essentially bunk.

Not exactly a huge consummer confidence booster.

My thanks to you, drgroove, for your enlightenment regarding the code on my site and your opinion regarding the content.

Creating this site has been done on a shoestring budget. The developer offered to work on a contingency basis. Once the site begins to make some money, he'll get a percentage. Keeping this currently non-existent budget in mind, would it be reasonable for me to expect any assistance from posting as you suggest, in a forum other than "Hire"? Or is this a case of "you get what you pay for"? If so, I'm afraid it'll be some time before I can pursue the necessary compatibilities.

The "Welcome" message has been there since the beginning, intended as something of a "C.Y.A." clause. Since that time, I have been contacting the properties listed on the site to verify the availability of high speed access. While this process is time consuming and nowhere near complete, I am feeling confident enough in my content to modify this statement to something along the lines of:

"As you would check on the availability of any other amenity which is important to you, please call the hotel prior to making any reservation, just to ensure that the high speed access you seek is currently available."

I agree with your assesment of the current greeting. When viewed through a visitor's eyes, it's not a confidence inspiring message. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. I will change it soon.

Again, many thanks for the time and effort you have expended on my behalf. It is greatly appreciated.


If you can't afford to have it fixed by another developer, I would go back to the original developer and have him/her edit the JS code.

If you're in the process of verifying which hotels do/don't have access, why not highlight the hotels which you have verified? Put them at the top of the search lists, or even put a checkmark or some other graphic signifier by them, to let your customers know that these hotels have been verified. Just a thought.

Tried to take a look at the site, but it appears to be down.
Let me know when it is back up.

Turns out I inadvertantly included the "," inside the tags in the body of my post. Thanks for bringing this to my attention, I've edited the post, and the link is now working properly.

Apologies for my ineptitude,

Site works and functions fine for me, but I found it a little bland. I just wonder if something a little more graphical might give a little more appeal.


It tooked me so long to request for a query in your search box, try to find a way to present your data into a more flexible and manageable way.

And since drgroove already assesed the technical capability of your site, I think my comment about this site should temporarily end here.

Good luck and try to hire a "nice" programmer and not those "profit" minded people. Gee... (be friendly too)

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