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Category: Cooling
Server noise down

Although my pc runs smootly, i am trying to bring down the noise it makes. Let me tell you what i have in my server. A AMD Duron 1300 MHz ( not overclocked!!!) and 8 IDE devices, 4 of them are harddisks and the other 4 DVD Drives. Now the question :
Is there a passive(fanless) cooling method for my processor and a very quit ATX powerunit , which makes hardly no noise and not so expensive. Although i have so many devices, i don't use them all at once.

if you bought a cheap case with a power supply included, you have a really cheap psu, they make noise, if you buy a good one, they are usually very quiet. as for the cpu, either buy a really good fan, i dont like to post names on most things(sparks a ford/chevy debate) but i use a coolermaster, very quiet, and my athlon 2800+ is happy. to get even more quietness you would have to water cool, almost no noise. if your case is a really cheap feels like a beer can, it to will cause noise.

Can't say that it was cheap.

It is a antec case as you can see no very cheap compared to other cases. Is there no way to make my duron processor be cooled by fanless cooler?

water cooling is quiet, but cost a bit. and then you have lines and a tank to contend with.

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