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Category: Visual Basic Programming
Question about serial port control


I'm trying to use the MSComm control in order to communicate with a device through serial port. I'm sure this device works because I can check it with hyperterminal.
The problem appears when I send a command to the device with the MSComm's property Output and if I try to read the device's answer with MSComm's property Input, I read the command I sent before, so it seems as the Input and Output buffer were the same.
I tried to introduce a timing between the Output command and the answer of the device and the read was an empty string.

Any idea?
Thanks in advance.

Are you accessing a modem? use "ATE0" to disable command echoing... :)

Thanks for the info but the device is not a modem. I have tried to communicate with this device through OnComm event but the results were the same as previous, it means not able to communicate.



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