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Category: Visual Basic Programming
Debugging my VBScript for ages & still won't work - whats wrong with it???

Okay as simple as i'm sure the solution to this problem is, i can't figure it out, and i've been putting little output statements into parts of my code, and adding bits and deleting bits for hours, and i still can't figure out whats wrong...

Before you pay out the pointless bit of code below, i'll just let you know that this isn't my entire script, but this is the beginning of it and i have narrowed it down to this part that has the problem, when I tested it, everything below this point in the script had been commented out anyway

But the problem is with the line:
projNum = projForm.projects.SelectedIndex
as you may have noticed, the output line beneath it should be printed once this statement is executed. But alas, it isn't...WHY????? i cannot understand what is wrong with this statement logically, syntactically, morally anything!!!! It would seem i am becomming blind because from where i sit, this should work, would anybody care to shed some light on why it doesn't??? All the statements prior are executed and the corresponding output statements printed, its only this part


<form name=selProjects>
<select name=projects id=projects>
<option value=''>Please select a project...</option>
<option value='Administration'>Administration</option>
<option value='Management'>Management</option>
<option value='Time Recording'>Time Recording</option>
<option value='Securitisation'>Securitisation</option>
<option value='Everest'>Everest</option>
<option value='Touch Screens'>Touch Screens</option>
<script for="projects" event="onChange" language=VBScript>
document.write("sub entered")
Dim projNum, projForm, numOptions, firstOption
document.write("variables declared")
Set projForm = document.forms("selProjects")
document.write("form set")
projNum = projForm.projects.SelectedIndex
document.write("if u can see this it works")

Week Commencing:
<select name=week_dates>
<option value=''>------------------------------</option>
<input type="button" value="Display Project Report" name="displayReport">



Try this:
<form name="selProjects">
<select name="projects" onChange="callThis()">
<option value=''>Please select a project...</option>
<option value='Administration'>Administration</option>
<option value='Management'>Management</option>
<option value='Time Recording'>Time Recording</option>
<option value='Securitisation'>Securitisation</option>
<option value='Everest'>Everest</option>
<option value='Touch Screens'>Touch Screens</option>
<script language="VBScript">
public sub callThis
dim projNum, projForm, numOptions, firstOption
set projForm = document.forms("selProjects")
set projNum = projForm.projects
end sub

It works, you've no idea how long i spent trying to get that thing going...thankyou so much!!!!

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