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Category: Visual Basic Programming
vb close desktop windows - newie help

hi guys,

i'm totally new to VB Scripting but am hoping someone can lead me on the right track. basically i need a script that when executed will close all open windows on the windows desktop, this includes any opened copies of windows explorer too.

can anyone help me out with the script for this? or even just point me on the right direction. i would be really greatful . . .thanks in advance.


So are you asking about VB or VBScript, they aren't really the same thing.

You can do this with VB by looping through the window handles and sending a close message to them all.

I have no idea if you can do that with vbscript, I really doubt it though.


thanks for the feedback, and yes it is vb i am asking about. i tried looping through a close windows statement but it just delays my application too much. thanks for the feedback though, cheers,


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