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Category: Networking Help
Remote Access

I would like to know how to access a remote computer. I have a Windows NT Server in one city and another computer running Windows 2000 in another city. I want to access the system remotely, how do i do this?

You could use software like VNC, PCAnywhere, or terminal services (if it's a 2K server or NT w/ terminal services). It's best to run them through a VPN or some sort of encrypted tunnel if you're going through the Internet. If it's just through company WAN then you don't have to be as worried about security.

Thanks for your reply. I 'll give you the situation, kindly suggest me a solution. I am working in company, and now that i have moved to another city, i am going to be working on the project from the new place. All my work needs to be transferred to the main office, so we decided on Remote Access. We are planning on having a common folder, which both of us can access. Hope you have got the picture.

If you just need access to a folder on a server the your best best is just to setup a VPN or RAS.

RemotePC ( : Access your system remotely...
If you want to access only a particular folder, then try Remote Data (

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