Helpful Information
Category: Paid Work Requests
ebay seller needs help-will pay for your help!

hi Guys

I've been selling on ebay for couple of years now, but I still use standard white ebay page to do it. I'm way too old (or stupid) to learn html code, all my attempts had been pretty pathetic so far :o

I need something easy, a background, (insert your text here), place for my pictures. I like what this guy had done.

If you wanna help me, please pm me, will pay (paypal) for your help.

thanks in advance


my email

Hey Pete, since you're a new member, you cannot use the PM system just yet, but I can tell you here that I'm interested.


ok, cool email me whenever you get a chance

if anybody else interested please email me

I did but you didn't reply.

Makim, you can contact me here ( if you still need help.

I did but you didn't reply.

snookerman I have 0 emails from you, and I dont see any pm here :confused:

try again

Makim, you can contact me here ( if you still need help.

email sent

guys I also need a website for my clothing store, if you're interested email me


I'm away from my desk this morning but I'll reply this afternoon.

I know this is a little late for an answer on this, but I do not know html either except maybe a few things. I use a site called to create borders in different styles and colors. The website generates html code that you put into ebay and the website is free. You can also change the background color if desired. I'm not sure how detailed you are looking for, but thought I'd share the site I use.

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