Helpful Information
Category: Web Projects and Services Marketplace
Rules for posting a Work Offer or Request (MUST READ FIRST!)

Welcome to the "Work offers and Request" forum. Here you can post a job offer for potential candidates to take on and get paid for. On the flip side, if you're looking for work, you may also post a Work Request. For offers, compensation (in monetary form) must be accompanied and clearly stated in your post. This is not a "Help me write a script please" or "favors" forum. For For Hire postings, you must clearly state your expertise, education, expectations as far as compensation, and anything that may help others decide whether to use you. Here are the rules in summary:

1) Work Offers (looking to hire a coder)

Your Offer must be paid in nature, in clear monetary form. For example: "Willing to pay $300 for completion of project, or $20/ hour.
Contests and competitions are NOT allowed. These are considered promotions, not Work Offers.
Collaborations whereby you're offering a revenue sharing program (ie: I'll give you 50% of the profits if the project succeeds) or non monetary rewards like "points", "T Shirts" in general are NOT allowed. Exceptions may be made by us, but rarely will that be the case.
Offers posted by freelance type sites are not allowed (ie: "visit our site, we have many jobs available"). These are clearly impersonal advertisements, not genuine offers, and will be deleted.

2) Work Request (you're a coder looking for work)

You must clearly state your skills, rates, and if at all possible, link to your portfolio page where people can get a sense of the quality of your work.
When posting a Work Request, always prefix your thread's subject with:

[For Hire]:

For example:

"[For Hire]: Skilled PHP programmer available for work"

Posts that do not follow the above rules will be deleted without warning.

Rules last updated April 19th, 2005.

privacy (GDPR)