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Category: vBulletin 3.5 Styles
vB 3.5.0 Christmas Theme

I decided to make a Christmas theme for 3.5.0, as there wasnt one that i could see around.

So if anyone's interested in it, here it is, and Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays etc etc :D

First theme ive decided to have a crack at, let me know what you think of it :)

Nice Try..

But it dosn't look to christmasy...
To dark and dreary.. :speechless:

Nice Try..

But it dosn't look to christmasy...
To dark and dreary.. :speechless:

yeah, i think you need to make it more xmasy by using brighter green and some more white?

I actually tried usuing brighter greens and reds, but thought they were too bring for people to use, so tried to tone them down abit.

Will have a look and tweek, if people want to use it, go ahead...but ill see what i can do about the Colors :)

Thanks for the feedback so far

Hmm.............. I'm staying at home for Xmas

Nice try my friend, but it's parsimonious of spirit concidering it's a christmas theme :)


Nice try my friend, but it's parsimonious of spirit concidering it's a christmas theme :)


I don't mean to be mean but that is really well uh...interesting....ukfgfnlfgyjd

It doesn't look like christmas at all. It's too dark. Make it a very light green with an drawn christmas tree in the corner and decorations on the side. Here are christmas colors: green, red, white, and blue.

I'm going to upload it and tweak the colors a little bit. Just a tad too much green...

Am just about to update the colours and so on, try and make it, as people put it... More 'Christmasy'.

Should have an updated release soon!

The colors are very bad, you need to make it lighter and add some other colors as well.

Thanks for the release...

Rename it to The Grinch Stole Christmas!!

nice try mate :) hope u could modify it a bit better :)

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