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Category: vBulletin 2.x Admin CP Styles
[Release] Yaxay Admin CP CSS

Author: c-pr0mpt

Instructions: Upload the un-zipped file to your /forums directory and overwrite the current cp.css.


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Here's a screenshot.:)

i like this style and color.....

nice job...c-pr0mpt and SaintDog

I am using it. :)

thnx for posting saintdog :D coooooooooool

I started using this one when c-pr0mpt first displayed it. It's nice! :D

This rules!!
Thank you very much 4 posting!! ;)

It doesn't look any different to the normal CSS in that screenshot?

Default is Purple/Grey, this one is Blue/Grey; there is a differenece ;)

Ahh right cool. I was looking at this screenshot here..

I'll stick to my red one :D

Here is a better sshot.

Very cool. First CP customization I saw, inspired me to try it out, I just have no time yet between all of the projects.

Nice colors Corey, I just might have to install this...

that screen shot is kinda far away, but it looks good from the bits i could see.

thank's!!! is nice

Ok, I am using this, and its nice and everything, but the cp_logo wasn't nice so I made a new one that matches and everything, check it out, its attached!! Its not actually new, but modified so it matches with the control panel, if you like it then upload it to admin and mod directory! ;)

The text appears to be more 'blocky' now.

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