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Category: vBadvanced CMPS
Some advice please...

I have installed this portal, and so far it seems to be working fine, but I want to see the portal when I go to instead of having to go to how do I do this? As my forums are in a different directory.

simply rename the cmps_index.php to index.php, and your visitors will be pleased!

Thanks. My problem now is that I can't log into ACP, when I do try to log in, it says that I've logged in but then shows the log in page again.

Try clearing your cookies.

Try clearing your cookies.

Rule of thumb... when you do upgrading on your VB site, make sure you always clear your cache and cookies.

Also, if you so a big upgrade, or install some hacks that include user permission hacks and you get users complaining of problems logging in and what not, have them clear there cache and cookies also... works 95% of the time ;)

privacy (GDPR)