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Category: vBulletin 3.0 Beta Releases
Users in IRC for vB3 - with eggdrop. html access

Well, I got sick of waiting for someone else to come up with this, and because of the huge popularity among the members, I was compelled to modify Sasq's IRConline script. However, I did not want to modify files all the time.

The only configuration I tested was the "Bot local, no DB lookup" since I have to have that configuration (because of members with spaces in their names, the DB lookup would've been pointless as they wouldn't have been returned properly, and I really no pre-setup means for other configurations). I encourage help in testing other configurations as well as feedback.

I tested in vB 3.0.0 gamma, 3.0.0 RC1 and 3.0.0 RC2, so it will work in either. There is support offered for this hack. However, past betas and vB 2.x will not be supported. In addition, any attempts to modify vBulletin files for this hack will not be supported either. There is no longer a need to modify them because of the phpinclude_start template.

Templates Modified (You'll have to do this for each available template installed)...
PHP Include Code Templates --> phpinclude_start
Forum Home Templates --> FORUMHOME

Custom Templates Added...

Files Modified...

If you want it for vB 2.x, look here (

Attached is a screenshot from my site's forums (

Thanks for releasing this for vb3. I'm sure I'll make use of it soon and provide feedback.

thanks for the wonderful made job :)

I have a problem

I do not succeed to carry this list in the forum, like never?

use the files usc.tcl and nodblocal.txt beyond having like from



grazie per lo stupendo lavoro fatto :)

ho un problema

non riesco a portare questa lista nel forum, come mai?

uso i files usc.tcl e nodblocal.txt oltre ad aver esugito come da install.txt


jancarlo: What do you mean that you are having problems using the file?

If that file is not hosted where you have the forum, you need to use the nodbremote.txt file that's included, since that code will get the chat.txt file from a remote location. It has not been tested (yet), but if you have any problems, let me know.

excuse is mistaken to me.

I have put in phpinclude_start the script:

//Whois on line in irc code - remote http, no db access beta 2.0.0

//check the url exists to save crashing or end of the world

//main routine

$onlinefile = ""; //path to online users file

$killname = array("PlayaBoT", "PlayaBoT_"); //kill name array to hide users online - all users name with 'bot' and '_' at the end wont display

$httpfaulttime = 5; //number of seconds before vB decides the bots web server has died

function urlExists($url)


$url = ereg_replace("http://", "", $url);

list($domain, $file) = explode("/", $url, 2);

// change the last number below to the timeout you prefer for contacting the server

$fid=fsockopen($domain,80, $errno1, $errstr1,$httpfaulttime);

@fputs($fid,"GET /$file HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: $domain\r\n\r\n");

@$gets = fgets($fid, 1024);


if (ereg("HTTP/1.1 200 OK", $gets)) return TRUE;

else return FALSE;


//main routine

if (!urlExists($onlinefile)) {

$chatterson ="IRC Server Fault.\n";



else {

$file = fopen($onlinefile, "r");

while (!feof($file)) {

$buffer .= fgets($file, 4096);



$buffer = strip_tags ($buffer); //get rid of any php or html tags etc

$buffer = chop($buffer); //get rid of the white space

$chatterson ="";

/// routine for placeing the user details into an array and getting online numbers

$temparray = explode ("%20", $buffer);

$temparraysize = sizeof ($temparray);

$k = 0;

for ($i = 0; $i < $temparraysize; $i+=3) {

$bufferarray[handle1][$k] = ($temparray[$i]);

$bufferarray[host][$k] = ($temparray[$i+1]);

$bufferarray[nick][$k] = ($temparray[$i+2]);



$bufferarraysize = (sizeof ($temparray)/3);

$onlineirc = ($bufferarraysize);


//setting the user modes according to the flags set in the nick

for ($buffercount=0; $buffercount < $bufferarraysize; $buffercount++) {


foreach ($killname as $kilvalue) {

if (eregi($kilvalue, $tempbuff)) {


$bufferarray[nick][$buffercount] = "";

continue ;

} } }


for ($i = 0; $i < $bufferarraysize; $i++) {

if (!$bufferarray[nick][$i] == "") {

if (!$chatterson == "") {

$chatterson = $chatterson.", ".$bufferarray[nick][$i];


else { $chatterson = $bufferarray[nick][$i]; }



but nothing to make in the window does not appear the user of
the chat.txt



scusa mi sono sbagliato.

ho messo in phpinclude_start lo script:


ma niente da fare nella finestra non compaiono gli user del chat.txt


In the future... can you please include code snippets in a text file or at least snip it out?


That is using the URL you provided above.

Attached is the nodbremote.txt file that has now been tested with both yours (and mine) text file.

excuse for the list.

I see that from you it goes.

to me they give: IRC Serveur Fault.

perhaps it is an allowed problem of of the serveur I will see like

thanks of all jancarlo


scusa per la list.

vedo che da te va.

a me da: IRC Server Fault.

forse č un problema di permessi del server vedrņ come fare

grazie di tutto

It could simply be that connection problem between your server and where you're getting the text file.

Also, I've been having problems with the DB Local and DB Remote configurations. If anyone who is willing to help me fix these please let me know.

if it can make it only appeal to for these rows I have resolved the



se puņ fare piacere solo per questo file ho risolto il problema.


Which eggdrop version are you running this off of btw?

I have the version "eggdrop-1.6.15"



io ho la versione "eggdrop-1.6.15"


Thanks very much jancarlo :) I'll try to install this now.

anyone got the remote one working? Im getting undefined variable state(status) when eggdrop trys to run the usc2.tcl script

any ideas?

any manual how to modify it for an IRC rookie?

Templates Modified (You'll have to do this for each available template installed)...
PHP Include Code Templates --> phpinclude_start
Forum Home Templates --> FORUMHOME

You could always make all your templates child templates of a default parent template, and just change the parent template. :)

im having problems with the usc2.tcl script, im running eggdrop on a remote server and when I try to start eggdrop with the usc2.tcl script i get the following error:

can't read "state(status)": no such variable
while executing
"if {$state(status) != "ok"} {
putlog "Connection to server error: $state(status)"
} else {
set errnum [::http::ncode $token]
if {$errnum == 200} {
} e..."
(procedure "i3h:make" line 21)
invoked from within
(file "scripts/usc2.tcl" line 54)
invoked from within
"source scripts/usc2.tcl"
(file "eggdrop.conf" line 1394)

anyone got any ideas whats up?

I don't use the usc2.tcl, as that was the one that was in the vB2 Sasq version and since everything was local, I got away with usc.tcl.

My next question is this... did you use it in vB2, or is this the first time you're using it?

And Jancarlo, as soon as I get a chance, I'm going to test your fix and incorporate it in the next version if you don't mind.

Lastly, I'm still trying to figure out the DB lookup, because they are not working on my test server.

first time using it, and as it's identical to the original script (which other people had working with vb2) either my setup is wrong or im doing something wrong but have no idea what it could be.

dewd great work, but like me you have very very bad INSTALL.txt writing skills -=]

i still cant get this to work. am i supposed to call call.php from the bot? and have call.php write the html file that the forums grab the users from?

There is no accesscode variable in the tcl script, as the install says.

Can anyone clarify the install process a little better?

I'm looking for someone who can help me with further developing and adapting this for vB3. Unfortunately, things going on with the other sites I run (development... argh) are taking up too much of my time to really concentrate on it. So, if there are any takers, please let me know.

So far, so you know, the only tested versions are both no DB lookups, usc.tcl, local and remote (no call.php).

*clicks install*

Works just fine for me.

dewd great work, but like me you have very very bad INSTALL.txt writing skills -=]

Yep. completely lost me.

I get this error:

invalid channel: #test
while executing
"chanlist $i2h_chan"
(procedure "i2h:make" line 5)
invoked from within
(file "scripts/usc.tcl" line 57)
invoked from within
"source scripts/usc.tcl"

When trying to load eggdrop.

I'd really really like this hack, but it seems too complex for me. For instance, I've never used IRC bots much at all.

Could anyone cobble together a slightly improved installation guide for me? :D

I'd love that...

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