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Category: vBulletin 3.5
Expiry Date on Subscriptions

This is a wee mini-mod that will display the expiry date for your paid subscriptions. Not a big deal to install at all -- just something that was making me bats trying to sort through in Excel so I thought I would share it.

Hopefully this will be a default option soon. :)

File Edits: 1
Time: 1-2 minutes
Ease: They don't get any easier than this

Oh man, I do agree this should be default.
Would it be possible to do this via a plugin? It sure would make things easier...I think it's kind of insane to do code mods during a beta. Especially when plugins are available now.

ACP/MCP = No plugins for 3.5.

I would look for those in a later release, but they have not said anything about whether it is under consideration -- only that they are looking to combine the ACP and MCP. I would *assume* that plugins would be addressed as many modifications have ACP mods as part of their install.

I too would like to see it as default, but I added this the first month I rolled out subscriptions and I am not going back to not having it while waiting to see. :p

Update -- this mod is still valid for RC1 for those wanting to display expiry dates.

Any word on making this (really useful!) hack into a plug-in for 3.51 yet???

Anyone able to fix this for vB4?

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