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Category: Freelancing
Don't lose cheap clients; use web site builders WYSIWYG: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP

Alot of times, we all get clients that hesitate to spend a lot (or much) money on a website they want.

They think that we are out to get as much as we can from them (which is true for most design companies). They do not realize that they are making an investment for themselves. In any case it is understandable. We need to realize that they are not educated enough to really understand the difference between a professional site and a cheap ineffective site. They do not understand why a site will cost anywhere near $1000, let alone over that.

Well, in any case, do not let that potential customer get away. I suggest becoming an affiliate of a web site builder. Even though these site builders allow you to 'do it yourself' It is still very difficult so when the client signs up, they will still need YOU. You can charge your full hourly rate.
All the little things add up! $25 here $25 there. On top of that they can spend all the money they save on advertising. They can pay you to help them with any type of online advertising. Then you find out you are actually helping them. In the long run, you have a happy client, who will tell other.

Here are my top 4 companies that I suggest to become affiliated with.
- What can I say. They have everything*, yeah almost. Flexibility, Price, convenience. They even have a have a large affiliate payout. However, yahoo may take your client away from you. On top of that, they will be paying for every little thing. Yahoo has recommended designers ready to get the job done before they recommend you. Make sure your potential client needs you instead.
- Canadian company. Very Very simple to use. My grandmother could do this.
However it is about $19/month as compared to the other sites that start at $8/mo. However, for that price, they can afford to gaurantee and you will get a lot of easy add on features.
- short for (create your own website (, These folks are new, and basically their website builder ( is like a beta version. However they have the best personal service. They are willing to work with you and your clients. They'll even create professional header design (flash or non-flash) for free! You can choose from 3 different layouts, 2 of which are very basic and the last layout it pure HTML for advanced users, this is a plus! They are constantly making changes and updates, so they are not stuck like the others. If they listen to all their feedback, they will really go places.
- Unfortunately you need to download software =( and it is very slow. However they have a lot of experience and a lot of members and a lot of features. It starts at $5/mo but only for 3 months. Only 25 MB of disk space? toll free phone support for only 30 days? Looks good, but it is so bad in the long run. Kinda shady Sorry homestead you now go to the bottom, but you are still good enough to be in the top 4.

So next time a potential client says they want a website for under $100. Guide them to one of the 4 site builders and start making some money.

I know most of you do not have so much business that you have to turn people down! Take advantage. You'll make a few pennies here, a few pennies there 'Pennies make dollars'

Check them out and tell me what you think.

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