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space between java & script?

i just noticed that the forum seems to automatically place a space between java & script, when it's written together. That's not only incorrect, it's just plain bad for the javascript forum. is there any way that can be turned off?

Yes, we've discussed this in the conference room (Zvona brought the issue up). Here's a work around Zvona posted that you can use to overcome this until the issue is fixed: javascript.



Ah, makes things a bit simpler...nice ;)!

Test 1 (w/o colon, should not break)


Test 2 (w/ colon and : )



Originally posted by Dave Clark
It's only a "problem" when the colon is used -- so, just code the colon in HTML escape code:


which will display as:


See? space. :D

Doh, I'm disappointed. You know how long it takes time to write "java" with entities? :D

this sure is an old thread... but will this issue ever be fixed??? (quote : "until the issue is fixed") its been more than a year since this has been talked about. Why was it even desighned in the forum software anyway?... was it to prevent javascript links... and any way why wasnt it coded so it would just replace javascript with entities, or something like that, adding a space just creates an anoying problem.

you could use javascript to do a search and replace on submit or have a button that inputs the necessary code to output it correctly.


Well, I always use javascript to avoid that.

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