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Category: Websites for sale

1) Site for sale:

2) $5,000.00

3) Payment method Paypal, Verifiable Cashiers Check (established US LOCAL BANK such as wells fargo, bank of america or such)

4) response has 16777215 traffic rank in world by alexa. is getting 65 pageviews per day and making USD 1.61 daily. has 673 backlinks according to yahoo and currently not listed in Dmoz directory. is hosted in United States at Lunar Pages data center. is most populer in . Estimeted worth of is USD 1175.3 according to websiteoutlook

other stats: per google analytics

oct 22 to nov 21 2010

visits 546 909 page views 38% new visits average time 2:50

50% direct traffic 34% referring sites search engines 15%

page rank: 2/10

site has been up for just under two years and i am the original owner, so membership for now is still free, but i do have membership fees set aside for after the initial growth, i have full transfer rights and i would like to see someone take this to the next level.

Goldwingsingles is a niche site, it has the capacity to grow leaps and bounds as we are the only dating/social site on the web today that caters to both social and dating combined for enthusiasts of the goldwing motorcycle..

I have rebuilt the site and just finished a major upgrade to the functions and appearance and flow of the site. The $5,000 im asking is my investment so far, not including my programing time... That investment includes advertising, hosting fees and also a trip i took back east to sponsor a goldwing event.

Reason For Selling: I want the site to succeed by getting the exposure it needs, i know it can be a winner and honestly i dont have the finances to take it to the next level and rather than let if fade out i would rather give it up and let someone else take the ball and run with it. It needs exposure, tv, radio, newspaper, web..

My policy for the site is absolutely NO fake profiles, i have a few test profiles that i use but other than that every single member is a real person, i refuse to have fake profiles and bots..

This site has the potential to make you twice your investment in one month.

So if you have the energy and the means and you want to take this to the next level, please reply. Thanks..

what is your best offer?

ill shoot you a pm thanks, sorry for the delay, family medical issues, its been a rough couple of weeks.

current stats

Jan 22, 2011 - Feb 21, 2011
362 Visits
545 Pageviews
61.88% % New Visits
254 Absolute Unique Visitors

page rank: 3/10

google rank has just moved up to 3, whoo hooo

Here is a sweet deal,

My girlfriend wants me to move to be with her and so i have decided to sell both as a package deal at a discount.

Get goldwingsingles and mycompanyaffiliate (domain and all code for both) for $3000.00, that is a great deal folks. To be clear you get the code for both sites as well as the code for the software as well. The software will be yours.

What you get is the software for both and the domain name. You get the full rights to the MCA software and GWS code. Took me 9 months to build this MyCompany Affiliate Software, it is high and tight and secure. It includes security measures to keep invalid copies from being used. It is fairly new on the market, I just released it on the market last month.

I will teach you how I run both sites, the total workings and you can take it from there, i will also support you if you have questions about the code as well.

I would not have spent that long on a software if i did not believe it could be profitable, but honestly i need the money to move so im sacrificing my long term goal.

As i said above if you want both sites you can have both for $3000.00.

The listing for the MCA software is under this same topic.

Be honest because i will be.

make me an offer if you like.

362 Visits
545 Pageviews
61.88% % New Visits
254 Absolute Unique Visitors

I don't see these sites as being worth anything beyond the 10$ domain registration fee. sorry.

I don't see these sites as being worth anything beyond the 10$ domain registration fee. sorry.

And you are totally entitled to your opinion, maybe these kinds of sites are not your forte or desire. But to date i have already made over 1500.00 off the site, so it is def worth more than $10.00 reg fee. As i said im just looking for someone that wants to take it to the next level.

And besides, this is listed under "websites for sale", not "give me your opinion on what mywebsite is worth" so if your not interested then i would appreciate it if you didnt comment at all because i really dont want to hear your opinion, nobody does. It is your opinion that you dont think it is worth much, that is your opinion and your rite to have that opinion but to try to sabotage my sale by posting negative comment is not proper and you know it, and i really dont appreciate it. If you dont like it then move on and go on about your business instead of trying to ruin any posibility i have for selling this site which in my opinion is well worth my asking price.

the gws site is no longer for sale. i may have the opportunity to be sponsored by a major player so the gws site is for now off the market.

the gws site is no longer for sale. i may have the opportunity to be sponsored by a major player so the gws site is for now off the market.
Wow. Great! I am happy for you man :)

its not worth as $5000 my opinion. my site has better traffic than that

first of all read my previous threads on this, if you dont have anything good to say or dont think its worth it then move on, who really cares what you think honestly. IF it is not your cup of tea then maybe it is someone elses.

Why some of you feel the need to toss in your neg comments when its not your cup of tea i will never know, just move on and take your comments with you.

You prob would never buy a antigue dresser either and neither would i but that does not mean that they are not out there for a ton of money. But i dont go to their sites and say **** like i dont think its worth it. I just move on and so should you. Maybe its worth it for someone else, its off the market anyway, but just remember one i offered it cheap in my opinion compared to current negotiations that i hope will come thru first quarter of next year.

Anyway worry about your own site not mine ok. And keep your neg comments to yourself.

can you show your recent profit through this site?
thank you

The site is off the market so it would be moot point. Also we could not becuase of our current negotiations.

Will a moderator please remove this whole posting for me as the site is no longer for sale and we have changed the domain name anyway. If you cannot remove the complete post can you please lock the topic so noone can post here, thanks.

Have you been monetize it? like adsense, chitika, ??

Can a moderator please lock or remove this entire thread please.

Just fyi, i changed the domain name of this to, it does better under that name as it more closely adheres to our dual mission statement.

Would you believe someone grabbed my old domain and just parked it, they either want to just soak up the visitors of my once page rank 3 or they plan to do something with it. I never should have let it go, that was just stupid i should of kept the domain and just let it forward to my new name.
Not sure if i am more mad at them to grabbing it just to do so for no reason or mad at me for letting it go so long it became available, lesson learned i guess.

Im starting over on page rank so we will see.

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