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Category: Ruby Programming
Regular Expressions In Ruby?

I'm reading a book on Ruby, and I just started a little while ago. I have gotten some decent ground and they just introduced Regular Expressions, but for some reason I can't get them to work. Take this code for example:

line = "Perl"
line.sub(/Perl/, 'Ruby')
puts line

When I run the code I still see "Perl" getting printed to the string when it should have replaced it with "Ruby". Also, when I do stuff like:

line = "Yes I like Ruby"
if line =~ /Ruby/
puts line

Instead of printing the index of where the expression starts (like the book says) it just prints out the string again.

Am I doing something wrong?

~ Alias

Moved to the brand new "Ruby Programming" forum :)


2 solutions:
line = "Perl"
newline = line.sub(/Perl/, "Ruby")
# or
line.sub!(/Perl/, "Ruby")
line.sub() does not change the original line, line.sub! does.
This is very common in Ruby, other examples are

chomp --- chomp!
chop --- chop!
strip --- strip!

Regards, mawe

Wow, cleared it up perfectly. Thanks a lot!

~ Alias

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