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Category: Design templates and graphics for sale
[$0.01] Facebook/Twitter Like Script

Have it for free everyone! FREE! FREE! FREE!

Have it for free everyone! FREE! FREE! FREE!

Can't seem to get the zip file to even open up.. do you have a mirror?

Any demo site to see?


Do you have a virus total? I'm scared to download things without one? Or can anyone confirm it is safe?

You can submit file to virustotal without downloading file.

Will this work on something like a godaddy hosted blogcast site? Sorry I am not a programmer, I joined this forum to find help and learn. If you need to look at the site in question, it is at (removed). The reason I ask is because I have found other scripts through google searches and none of them seem to work. Maybe I am doing something wrong, or maybe the site just isn't compatible.

Can somebody reupload please

Virus total says that there are some trojan horses in that file...don`t bother people.

Can you upload it again?

Okay thanks for the no answer ;)

This is already spread all over internet and the one you uploaded doesn't open.plzz re-upload it.

First of all thanks OP for the share.
Here is my mirror as few requested, enjoy.
Don't forget to scan before using!

Thanks Klayer for the mirror but has anybody downloaded it and does it work? I've has enough viruses lately from using certain software (my fault) and really don't want anymore too soon.

@horatio , The file is clean, as far as i know since i scanned via virus total, however i tried to use it and it seems little buggy.

Sorry yes the files clean. Designed & Coded it myself. Yes the coding is a little buggy have not updated for long time. Decided to make it Open Source.

"Whoops, our bad..."


Does anyone have a copie of this i can have please?
sorry for bumping an old thread. both links that r given are either invalid files or dead links

Google is your best friend.

Hi.., I would to see some sites. Can any one post some designed sites ?

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