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Category: CSS
Use a div instead two separate frames in the same page

I am trying to divide one page in two frames. I am trying to use a div instead of frames...
The page is a glossary. In the top i want the alphabet with anchors to the different letters in the supposed other frame.. i need to see everytime the glossary on the top, if the user wants to change the letter.

Thx in advance!
how can i do that?

heres the code..the css are in a separate file..

SQLStmt = "SELECT * FROM Eloan_Glossario ORDER BY Nome"
RS.Open SQLStmt, Objconn
Current_Letter = ""
str0 = "<div class=maindiv>"
str1 = "<div class=bodydiv>"
count = 0
while (not RS.EOF)
if Current_Letter<>LTrim(RTrim(RS.Fields("Letra"))) then
str0 = str0 & "<A href=""default.asp?pag=gloss_fin#" & Current_Letter & """ class=normal> " & Current_Letter & " </A><font class=Login>|<font>"
if count = 12 then
str0 = str0 & "<br>"
count = 0
count = count + 1
end if
str1 = str1 & "<A Name=""#"& LTrim(RTrim(RS.Fields("Letra")))& """>" & VbCrLf
End if
str1 = str1 & "<B>" & LTrim(RTrim(RS.Fields("Nome"))) & "</B> - " & LTrim(RTrim(RS.Fields("Texto"))) & "<br><br>" & VbCrLf
Response.Write str0 & "</center><br><br>"
Response.Write str1 & "</P>"%>

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